Storytelling with Picture Books

Storytelling has an ancient past. From the primitive walls of caves, to the scrolls of papyrus by the ancient Greeks, we have shown our humanity through the passing on of wisdom and character in the pages of fables and fairy tales.

Andrew Lang, author of the many colored books like the “Blue Fairy Book,” gave us a wonderful anthology of stories from many different cultures. Part of this collection remains on many book lists as suggested reading for elementary curricula. It is not meant for a young student to read themselves, but as the source material for a parent to read aloud to them.

Our family loved many of the Blue Fairy Book stories as read alouds and sometimes as an audio book (you can listen for free here) but my very visual daughter thrived on these stories when they were read aloud to her with beautiful pictures!

Here are just a few of the traditional Blue Fairy book stories as well as other classic fairy tales that can be found as individual picture books. Check to see if your library carries any of the tales and open up your child’s world to great literature!

(All links are affiliate links to purchase the books on Amazon. We encourage you to visit your local library first before purchasing! However, if your library does not carry a certain book we would be so thankful if you purchased through our links below to help support the KidVentures Podcast!)

Little Red Riding Hood | Rumplestiltskin |Beauty and the Beast | Puss in Boots | Cinderella | Toads and Diamonds | Hansel and Gretel | The Forty Thieves | Dike Whittington and His Cat | Three Billy Goats Gruff | Little Red Hen | Three Little Kittens | The Gingerbread Boy | Jack and the Beanstalk | Elves and the Shoemaker | Twelve Dancing Princesses | Rapunzel | The Black Bull of Norroway

Creating a foundation of storytelling in your home benefits your child’s literacy skills! If your family loves storytelling, make sure to check out our podcast! More information here!